【Musician’s Musician】,LEGEND。
“I’M A ROCKER AT HEART, but you have to have light with the shade.”
“Some people drive fancy cars, but I went with a cheap Ford and bought a fancy guitar amp instead.”
“I’ve bought way too many pedals over the years, they’re an addiction for me. I do like supporting the gear communities and prefer to buy them instead of an endorsement deal with strings attached, but this has led to a massive amount of pedals lying around the house. I recently went through them and got rid of a lot of them. I mean, how many Tube Screamers does one person need?”
嗯,我知道,你可能不懂他的好在哪裡,沒關係了,每個人的喜好不一樣,我也是【A ROCKER AT HEART】,很愛他,這樣就好。希望我剩下的人生,能夠彈出更多我自己很滿意的吉他聲。